Monday 5 November 2012

Look your best this Diwali!!

Diwali is around and how ecstatic we are. I am just counting the days when the D-day would arrive. Preparing to decorate my house, choosing the gifts for my friends and colleagues, I feel so drained but this has not stopped me from what I love about this festival. Many of you would agree with what I said. But in all this charm and excitement we forget to take care of our skin.

So, today I would be sharing some easy to follow tips which you could try and keep your skin glowing.

Start with saying no to sweets: Don’t overdo. Remember that consuming excess of sugary and fried foods would start showing on your face. You r skin would appear cracked, and dull. So do consume them but in limits.

Daily Skin regimen to be followed religiously: this goes even if it is not Diwali. But yes, during Diwali you spend a lot of time outdoors going shopping for clothes, gifts. Go for a home made cleanser or try out the cleansers available in the market. Do not forget your skin type.

Go for a Spa: these days you would find many saloons and spas offering plethora of offers. Take any one which suits your skin and your pockets too. But after getting that glow you need to maintain it. How? Dab your skin with moisturiser, sunscreen and enjoy the radiance for long.

Keep yourself hydrated: as you’re a on a shopping spree, you are draining yourself of the energy. Since the sun is also harsh so it is better to increase your water intake and consume more of fluids. Also include lots of green vegetables and fruits. They would be a rich source of energy which you would be looking for this time around. You could also go for lukewarm water mixed with honey and lemon. It would keep you hydrated for long.

Stay away from Firecrackers: I know it is a bit difficult but what best you could do is to cover up your face with a cotton cloth or scarf and maintain a distance of at least 5 to 6 feet from lit firecrackers. And when you are done wash up your face thoroughly and dab on a quality moisturizer.

Take care of your hair: you might have noticed that hair this time around become fizzy, dull and it is hard to manage them. Oil them well, use a mild shampoo which is soft on your scalp, and then condition them well.

My Prayer for you all this Diwali is,” Let this Diwali burn all your bad times and enter you in good times”.

Enjoy Shopping, gifting and party hard with the friends. Let people be envy of your glowing and younger looking skin this Diwali.

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