Wednesday 31 October 2012

Diet recommendations for a Dengue Patients

Dengue cases are on rise even when the rains have gone. Dengue is caused by a mosquito bite; it is flu like viral illness caused by any one of the four types of dengue virus (DEN-1 to 4). Though there are not any specific dietary recommendations for combating dengue but still one could go for some healthy choices and thus recover fast.

The first and the foremost thing is to try healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. These food items would help you boost your immune system and thus ensure fast recovery. Also include protein rich pulses and whole grain foods as they would help in keeping the digestive tract healthy.

Secondly, double your liquid intake but hey I do not mean that only drink water. What you could do is to include liquid diet foods. Some options which you could go for are smoothies, fruit juices, soups, oats, rice gruel, and porridge. Also recommended is to consume oral rehydration solution as it would prevent dehydration which is a normal occurrence due to continuous vomiting and fever.

Be light on your stomach which means keep at bay from fried and junk foods. Also lower the intake of spices and salt. No, do not go for bland food instead one could add some commonly used herbs or even lemon juice to add flavour to your food.

Tea made with Basil (tulsi leaves), ginger and cardamom would be helpful in keeping down your fever and also boost your immunity levels. Going by what Ayurveda has to offer, extract or juice of two papaya leaves if consumed daily would work wonders for the dengue patient.

What the dengue patient should understand that there is no effective cure. Only with the correct medical supervision and keeping our body strong enough to fight dengue (by consuming healthy food, in taking more liquids coupled with proper rest) we could get rid of the dengue menace.

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