Monday 22 October 2012

Correct BMI and you are goanna live longer!!

Keep an eye on your BMI and stay healthy. This might looks you a simple statement but if implemented in the real life would give you amazing outcomes. Let us know more about BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index; it gives you the ratio between your body and height. It means that your weight should be in proportion to your height and vice a versa. BMI is considered to be a standard tool for helping you find out what should be your fat intake corresponding to your weight.

Higher the BMI, higher the percentage of fat in your body. Anyone could calculate his or her BMI. If you know your weight and height, you are done. The formula is:

(Weight in lbs / (height in inches X height in inches ) X 703)
Let us find out my BMI

Weight in lbs = 121.5 pounds
Height In inches = 66
Put all these values in the formula:

(121.5/ (66* 66))* 703  = 19.6

My BMI is 19.6

Now, let’s find out the healthy BMI range:
·         If the BMI is less than 18.5, you are underweight
·         If the BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you are normal weight
·         If the BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight
·         If the BMI is between 30 and 39.9, you are obese
·       If the BMI is 40 or over, you are dangerously obese

So, as per the range, my body weight is normal

What this BMI indicates?
If the BMI comes out to be more than the standards, you are at the verge of getting certain diseases which include:
·         Cardiovascular disease
·         High cholesterol and blood lipids
·         Type 2 diabetes
·         High blood pressure
·         Sleep apnea
·         Infertility
·         GERD
·         Urinary incontinence

Exceptions to BMI: BMI is an indicator of disease apart from body weight. But there are certain exceptions to BMI.
·         Sports persons, body builders, athletes normally have higher BMI because of the larger amount of muscle
·         Pregnant and lactating women should not be worried if their BMI is not normal

How BMI could be your mentor and guide?
·         BMI is a boon for all those who are working to reduce their weight. They can now know and work hard to reach within the normal limits
·         Lower BMI is also not good as your body is burning more energy than it is consuming. So knowing the right BMI you could now work on increasing your weight.

Remember right weight corresponding to the height is necessary for keeping the body fit.

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