Thursday 18 October 2012

Exercise essential for arthritis patients

Suffering from arthritis? Have confined yourself to bed? Have become dependent on your family and friends? Have you considered that arthritis would be there forever? If yes, let me share with you some simple health tips which would help you live happily and independent with arthritis.

Exercise: If you have arthritis, consider exercise as a necessity. Start with simple basic exercises like walking, riding a cycle and when you build on stamina indulge in weight training
Exercise would help you in big way. It will

·         Build up your stamina
·         Increase your energy levels
·         Keep a check on your weight
·         Strengthen muscle and bone
·         Reduce fatigue
·         Boost your confidence
·         Reduce dependency on others

Keep your joints mobile. Move your shoulder back and fro, raise your arms upward and downward. Little do you know mobility helps in smooth transportation of nutrients and waste products to and from the cartilage?

CARTILAGE: is the material which protects and acts as a cushion for the bones.

Which exercise you could perform?

Strengthening exercise: Increase muscle strength with Isometric and Isotonic exercise. Isometric exercise involves tightening of the muscle without moving the joints whereas in Isotonic exercises would involve joint movement.

Range-of-motion exercise: gently stretch your hands, feet, arms and legs. These exercises are very helpful for those who are suffering from chronic arthritis. Perform daily household activities like cooking, drying the clothes (do not indulge in washing the clothes/utensils) which are light on your hands could be performed.

Endurance exercises: such exercises would help you bring your heart beat to normal levels for 20 to 30 minutes. Those arthritis patients who perform these endurance exercises have been able to control the arthritis symptoms with increased muscle strength

Points to be considered: if you are an arthritis patient and considering exercise, consult your doctor first. After going through your reports and tests, the type of arthritis you suffer and other medical conditions, the doctor would advise you for the right kind of exercise for you.

You could even consider:
Walking: the simplest yet the most effective exercise which helps you build strength and keep you physically active

Tai Chi: originated in china this gentle martial arts exercise would help you keeping your joints in motion. You could perform fluid and flowing circular movements

Yoga:  This ancient Indian exercise would help you get rid of your pain, relax stiff muscles and improve joints conditions. Start with deep breathing exercises followed with stretching exercises. Do not perform those exercises which exerts pressure on the joints

Jogging: run slowly and that too on softer surfaces. Walk on wet grass. It is also effective for keeping your eyes healthy.

Bicycling: Do cycling at home or go outdoors. It is a good low impact exercise option which works wonders for the arthritis patients.

Go and try out these health tips and stay healthy!

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