Tuesday 16 October 2012

Keep your skin glowing this monsoon

Come this monsoon and you would suddenly find your glowing and fresh skin wear a dull and gloomy look. But hey! Stop being so upset. There are ways through which you could get back the same glowing skin and that too without spilling out money from your wallet. Today, I would be telling you some simple yet very effective tips for skin care during monsoon. I would be giving tips for oily as well as normal skin.

Skin cleansing:

·         For oily skin: Soap free cleanser or an oil free face wash would do wonders. Or if you are looking for some home made thing to work for go, apply papaya pulp or you could even make an oatmeal scrub. Apply it for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

·         For dry skin: Keep away from face wash which have deo properties in it. It would make your skin look further dry. A mixture of almond powder with honey could be applied for five minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.


It is necessary to remove dead cells from the face. One should scrub the face twice a week. This regime should be followed for both oily skin and dry skin

·         For oily skin:  A paste of rice flour and rosewater would work as an excellent exfoliating agent. You could also take channa (besan) powder and mix it with milk or rose water and use it as a scrubber.

·         For dry skin: Rose water and glycerin paste would work wonders for dry skin


An alcohol free toner is what I recommend for both oily and dry skin. You could use it daily after face wash. What a toner does is it closes all the skin pores and restores the lost pH balance

·         For oily skin: You could make a homemade toner by mixing 10 drops of lavender oil with one teaspoon of water

·         For dry skin: One teaspoon of milk with 5 drops of chamomile oil could be used for toning on daily basis


The main reason for dull looking skin in the monsoon is dehydration. Keep you body hydrated with applying a good quality moisturiser. Remember that the people with dry skin would observe extreme dryness whereas oily skin people would feel that extra moisture is added up.

·         For oily skin: Mix oil (any oil of your choice) and water. For e.g. if you are using a fruit oil, take 2-3 drops of that oil and two teaspoons of rose water. Apply it for 10 minutes on your face and then rinse it off with cold water.

·         For dry skin: Take jojoba oil, yogurt (curd) and honey in equal quantity. Make a paste and apply it for about 10 minutes. Rinse it off with a mild face wash. A paste of wheat bran with milk or yogurt would leave your skin looking fresh and moisturized.

There are some other precautions which you could follow and benefit yourself.
·         Drink plenty of water.

·         Do not rub your face while drying. Just pat dry gently.

·         Do not go in sun without sunscreen protection

·         Keep away from fungal infection by maintaining a healthy and hygienic regime.

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