Friday 31 August 2012

Follow simple steps to fight the acne menace

Like any teenager I too had an acne past. the memories of those days make me both laugh and scared. Laugh - applying n number of things to make the pimple go, avoiding social meets, and also peeling them when they grew large. and i feel scared because i never want that such a time comes back again. 
I understand what people go through when acne arrives. Thankfully, with my mother guidance i was able to pass through this phase with minimal problem. today i will be passing on those tips which helped e and hopefully would work for you as well.

  • Wash face at least twice a day with warm or lukewarm water and mild oil free soap or cleanser
  • Never scrub your face as it worsen the acne and would leave a black scar on the skin
  • Always apply a moisturizer which is oil free. Do not leave your skin dry. Moisturizer is needed even for an oily skin so moisturize your skin with an oil free moisturizer
  • Avoid using any hair gels or spray when you have acne problem but if it is so necessary keep it away from your face otherwise you would have clogged pores and hence acne
  • Also do not allow your hair to fall on your face and wash your hair every alternate day to avoid oil formation
  • When you come back home after a workout in the gym or exercising wash off your face instantly. Follow this regime even when sweat a lot
  • Avoid touching your face too much
  • Never ever squeeze, prick or pop up the acne. You would only end up harming yourself more 
  • You could even wash your face with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These are easily available in the medical store but use such things in moderation and as per the written instructions only. Both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide contain great acne fighting ingredients
I hope that the above mentioned tips would prove to be of some help to you. But i would also suggest for a medical intervention if the problem goes out of your control.

Stay blessed and stay acne free!!

Would come back tomorrow with some other tips!!

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