Monday 3 September 2012

Opt for Weight Loss in a healthy Way

"Make sure you have big, fun plans in your lives. because life only comes once, you better make the best out of it" 

but what to say that we have become motorized machines where our daily routine involves eating, sleeping and going for job. There is no time for any physical activity. At homes we have maids who carry out the cleaning and washing chores, offices are now air conditioned. Even on our way to office, we are no more interested in breathing in fresh air. A.C. works there for us. this sedentary life style has though increased our standard of living but has also brought with it various health complications and disorders.

Obesity is the biggest gift or bane we have received from this world. We want to shed those extra kilos but we run short of time. So how we could do something on our own to bring our weight down to manageable limits.

I have come up with some tips which i have gathered from my friends, colleagues and relatives. But I would suggest that even those people who are blessed with good physique should follow these tips to keep in shape.

Tip 1: Set a time line and decide how much weight you wish to reduce in the set time frame1. what i advice is to take into consideration factors like : your weight should match your age, calculate the BMI, and set a target for healthy weight loss monthly

Tip 2: learn time management: fix an hour or two and choose at what time of the day you would do the workout. let me tell you, this planning is very important as it would push you to  achieve the set target well within the time frame.

Tip 3: keep good stock of fruits and vegetables. Also start reading about recipes made from less oil or no oil. Prepare a menu list for a week and stick to it. You could even consult a diet consultant for the same.

Tip 4: Prefer home cooked food. This way you would have complete control over the ingredients that go into making the food. You would consciously use less oil and spices and more of vegetables.

Tip 5: Plan a work out session. it should include cardio and weight training. You could do it at your own, or even go to a gym. The choice is entirely yours.

Tip 6: Avoid snacking between 6 to 9: This 3 hour time slot is a major culprit as during this period we intake a lot of junk food. Replace them with all healthy things like soups, salads and other healthy options which would relish your hunger. keep it light as you are going to have dinner also

Tip 7: Pursue an active hobby: Take a walk, play games like badminton, football which involves a lot of physical workout. You could even choose for cleaning up your homes, dancing as well

Tip 8: Stress Management: The modern world has given us a curse i.e. stress. To combat stress, it is necessary that you look out for the ways like practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercise etc. 

Tip 9: Drink plenty of water. Water is quite essential for our body so do not move out of homes whenever you are going out whether shopping, exercising or workout.

Tip 10: Plan healthy vacations: whenever your children have vacations take them for mountaineering, or other physical activities. it should not be just for sightseeing rather the vacation should prove to be an add on for keeping you in shape.

I hope that these points are going to help you as these are time tested. Remember that "Rome was not built in a day". Similarly, you are not going to achieve the desired results early. Have patience and do not give up.

You would be able to wear your denim once again and flaunt yourself.

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