Thursday 20 September 2012

Dry fruits - a hidden treasure for health

Since my childhood days, I have loved dried fruits. Sometimes even I used to overdo with them but couldn't help. After all, they were so tempting. Today when I have grown up and look back, I think that it was worth having them on a daily basis. They are so nutritious, cholesterol free, and contain unsaturated fats which lower the risk for heart disease. Wow!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. From raisins, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachio, peanuts my all time favourite were and till date are cashews and pistachios.
Let us discuss the various health benefits they possess one by one.

First comes my favourite: Cashews
Excellent source of protein and fibre, Cashew nuts are also rich in potassium and vitamins. You could even prevent the problem of gallstones. They are very good antioxidants as they are rich in copper. Cashews are believed to be a good source of recovery from  coloncancer and other heart complications.

Rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, pistachios are high in monounsaturated fat so it cuts down the risk for heart disease. It works in lowering down the cholesterol levels. Even you could fight cancer because these pistachios contain antioxidants in the form of phytochemicals. If you are suffering from constipation, nausea or anorexia, start eating pistachios. They would benefit for sure.

Little did you know that our body lacks a very important fat called omega-3 essential fatty acid but walnuts are a rich source of these fatty acids? These acids promote healthy heart by improving the cognition function, protecting the heart from cardiovascular complication. Even they are found to be quite effective in treating various inflammatory skin infections like eczema and psoriasis.

Rich in vitamin B1, phosphorous, copper and iron, almonds are very useful for the overall development of the human body. My grandmother used to apply almond oil in my hair whenever I used to complain about headache. Believe me I used to get instant relief. It is so beneficial and provides protection against various cardiovascular disease, diabetes, constipation, skin infections eczema. They even help in boosting up the haemoglobin levels in the blood. Those infants who are lactose intolerant also benefit from almonds.

Have raisins and enjoy good oral health as they are rich in calcium. It purifies the blood as raisins are rich in antioxidants. Above all, raisins are fat free, and cholesterol free. People who are anaemic are advised to take raisins on daily basis to help improve the iron levels in the blood. Eat black raisins and enjoy a good sexual life. For those who are looking to put on weight eating raisins could help.

Dates are rich in sugars – fructose and sucrose. If suffering from any heart complication, the patient could make a paste of dates soaked overnight and grinding them the next morning.

So, enjoy these dry fruits but in moderate quantity and keep in good health.

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