Monday 10 September 2012

Teens - love the life and shun the suicidal thoughts

Everyday I start my day with reading newspaper over a cup of tea. Today after reading the paper, I could not concentrate on anything. The reason was around 20 children in various parts of the country committed suicide for not getting good marks in the exams. I felt bad not for the children but for the parents. Why this young generation is so restless and impatient? Why they think only for themselves and not for their parents? Is the life so cheap that these teenagers end up it this way?

This is not just one incident. Everyday we hear news of suicides committed by youngster for very flimsy and trivial reasons. The need is to probe what makes them take such extreme step. As per my understanding I think that some of the few listed points could be the reason:

·         Extreme peer pressure (to excel in studies, sports or career)

·         Constant comparison (with friends or colleagues)

·         Repeated Failure (it could be in love, or exam )

·         Impatience: today’s youth want quick results which if not achieved leads them to take this step

·         Aggression is another factor. If someone said them something even if they are their parents, teachers or even friends, they could not take these words and only solution they see is to commit suicide

With 45% of the Indian population being youth, these incidents could not be ignored. September 10 is celebrated worldwide as world suicide prevention day. Many Indian states do celebrate this day by organising symposiums, taking out rallies and making people aware. I call upon all the youth to be a part of such campaign and pledge that whenever any such silly thought would come to their mind, they would say no to them and would look for support and would confide such thoughts in some one they trust and would develop patience and think positively.

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