Wednesday 5 September 2012

Fight Blood Sugar with these natural tips

Feeling very low today!! Yesterday my best friend’s mother died of diabetes; was there the whole day to console and support my friend to face this trauma. Well, life has to move on but today i decided to share some healthy tips which one could practice to control the symptoms of this deadly menace called diabetes
 Here I am sharing some tips:
  • Have a consistent meal pattern: do not keep on eating after short intervals. Wait and let be hungry. maintain consistent portions of carbohydrates. But no where i am advocating to fast or skip meals. the reason for such a suggestion is to keep your blood sugar level even
  • Add adequate resistant starch in your diet: Some potatoes and beans acts as dietary fibre in the large intestine. Go for baked and cooled potatoes instead of warm mashed potatoes. they would keep your blood sugar level in control. 
  • Say Yes to beans: Beans a rich source of folate which is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A cup or two of cooked beans help in controlling diabetes. this would help in reducing the cholesterol levels to up to 20%. But remember that you introduce them gradually and chew them properly

  • Cook up Cactus: It slows carbohydrate absorption and also helps in bringing down the post meal glucose level. This is a very effective for people suffering with type 2 diabetes but be aware. it is sometimes reported that people might experience gastrointestinal distress so it is better to consult a doctor before including them in your diet
  • Sleep More: people who receive less than 6 hours of sleep are at higher risk of getting high blood sugar level settings
  • Check out your weight: keep a check on your weight as more weight would cause insulin resistance and affect the blood sugar lowering hormone from working. So loose weight but under medical supervision
  • Learn to manage Stress: A lot of energy is released when we are stressed out. in a diabetic person, this extra energy remains idle and does not make into cells. It keeps piling up in the blood and thus we get high blood sugar readings. Yoga and meditation would help you immensely in this regard
  • Exercise: People with type 2 diabetes if exercise can bring the blood glucose level in control. It would also help in improving the insulin resistance 
  • Never Skip your breakfast: it is a misconception among many people that skipping breakfast would help you to bring down the blood sugar levels to normal but the reality is quite opposite. include low fat milk, cereals , yogurt, fruit.
Hope that these tips might be of some use for you!!

Bye!! for today !! would come back again with few more tips!!

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