Thursday 27 September 2012

Poor diet and you could suffer from Eye disease

We admire the beauty of the Mother Nature through eyes and soul. An eye is one of the most special gifts of the God to the mankind. But did you ever know that your ill eating habits could result in eye disease. What we all believe that eye problems are either genetic or come up when we age. Some of the common eye diseases are cataract and macular degeneration.
Parents keep on emphasising their children to intake nutritious food for proper growth and development. Much is read and learnt about the importance of balanced diet but little attention is paid to it. The nutrients for keeping your eyes healthy include Vitamin C and E, carotenoids, beta carotene, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, B9 and Vitamin B12.

Foods which are rich in nutrients beneficial for eyes:
·         Spinach and Kale are rich in lutein and Vitamin E
·         Fruits and Vegetables are rich in Vitamin C and E
·         Salmon, tuna, white fish, mackerel, anchovies are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
·         Fish, pork, chicken, potatoes, banana, peanuts are rich in Vitamin B6
·         Folic acid rich foods include citrus fruits, fortified cereals, dried beans, mushrooms, nuts and peas
·         Fortify yourself with Vitamin B12 with Dairy products like milk, eggs, meat, shellfish
·         Zinc could be included in the diet through beef, eggs, lamb, whole grains, peanuts and pork
Reduce intake of certain foods
·         White rice, white bread, pasta should be avoided as much as you can. Instead one should opt for whole grain bread and brown rice. The reason why one should avoid white rice and white bread is that these foods are rich in high glycemic index. So they breakdown into blood glucose or sugar rapidly thus putting you at high risk for developing acute macular degeneration.
So now you know how important is right food for you! Start taking nutritious and balanced diet from today and enjoy good health.

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