Thursday 6 September 2012

Avoid Foods which lead to excessive Bloating

Gas is something which could cause embarrassment, and sometimes if noisy could lead to further embarrassment. Do not fee low or guilty as if you have really done something wrong. producing gas is perfectly normal. But if too much gas is produced then it could be a cause for worry. You might suffer from an bowel syndrome or GERD. Here i am your friend who would suggest some tips which would sail you smoothly through this condition. 

There are certain foods which increases the bloating. flatulence. I have collected a list of such foods which you could avoid to control or stop bloating or belching.

  • There are certain fruits which contain sorbitol; a type of sugar which could cause bloating. the culprit here are prunes, peaches, apples and pears. even you would find sorbitol in chewing gums and certain candies. When they reach large intestine for digestion, they would produce gas.
  • when the digestive tract is working breaking down the starch and carbohydrates rich food, gas could be produced and you experience bloating. Breads, cereals and pastas are also known to play their part in belching. Even corns and potatoes are not behind.
  • If your body lacks sufficient lactase enzyme then you could observe bloating whenever you consume milk and other dairy products. Such people have are lactose intolerant and would experience abdominal pain whenever they consume the dairy products.
  • Oats - Do not think that I am insane. Oats are quite nutritious but because of high fibre soluble content they could lead to excessive gas production. Do not remove them from your diet but take it in moderate quantities. Oatmeal, oat cookies, oat bran are some of the oat products. You could even think of replacing oat bran with wheat bran
  • Because of high raffinose content and richness in soluble fibre, beans are the most notorious in leading to bloating or belching. When you are having them do not mix them up with onions and cheese.
  • Intestinal gas could also be the result of indigestion of fructose - a sugar. fructose is generally used to sweeten certain beverages consuming which we could experience uncomfortable stomach.
You might think that today i am being rude to you!! and i just want that you should starve. But what i mean is that you enjoy eating everything but in moderation.

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