Monday 24 September 2012

Manage Stress and keep your Heart Healthy

Stress these days has become the part and parcel of our daily lives. No more now people find happiness in doing small things. We are so much stressed out that even a child playing would not excite us or make us happy. Stress was there before also but the levels have got so much high that it has start impacting our health. the worst affected is our heart

Stress is our body's way to respond to any situation or condition. whenever people feel stressed certain chemicals release in the blood. If the stress is in response to some emotional incidents it would adversely affect humans.

What stress could do the heart?
Stress would affect the nervous system which in turn would lead to high blood pressure. Even the digestion and metabolism is deeply affected. If you are suffering from any ailment before hand, it would get worsen on increased stress levels. All the physical stimuli put us at higher risk for developing cardiovascular diseases.

Categorisation of Stress
Stress could be categorised as acute or chronic. Acute stress is very common. We explain it with the help of an example. Whenever a dog chases you for biting, how fast would you run. Such stress is short lived and is mostly positive stress as it helps you in coming out of any situation. Chronic on the other hand, lasts for long and in worst scenario forever as well. They arise out of bigger issues in your life like marital problems, family or job issues.

Tips to manage your stress: the best way is to avoid all such situations which give rise to stress. But since sometimes we don not have control over such situations, so how could we manage such stress.
Whenever you feel that stress is overpowering you, try out some of these tips:
  • ·         Pursue a hobby
  • ·         Visit your friend, relative and talk to them
  • ·         Take a walk
  • ·         Do yoga or spend sometime in meditation
  • ·         Do breathing exercises – breathe slowly and deeply
  • ·         Eat a healthy diet – some people give up eating but this would make their condition worsen
  • ·         Do not feel ashamed to talk to a doctor – do not think that doctor visit only means that you are ill but instead sometime one could confide in the doctor after building trust
  • ·         Avoid smoking and drinking – sometimes when people feel stressed, they overdo smoking and drinking to find solace. Such things instead of helping him anyway would do more harm than good.
  • ·         Take time out for yourself. Spend time in admiring the beauty of the Mother Nature; enjoy seeing children play in the park. Go one step ahead and join them. You would really feel wonderful and stress levels would automatically go down.

So visiting a doctor coupled with the above tips would really prove helpful.

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